Donating in the USA

The SEA LIFE Trust Beluga Whale Sanctuary is operated by SEA LIFE Trust Limited, a UK registered charity.


How to Donate from the United States:

SEA LIFE Trust Limited is administered by CAF America for US supporters. Donations via CAF America to SEA LIFE Trust Limited are therefore tax-deductible within the guidelines of US law. For more information about how to make a donation to the Sanctuary via CAF America, please click here.

Donate Now

As a charity, we rely on the kind support and donations we receive to help continue our work, and care for Little White and Little Grey in their new home. By donating today, you can help us achieve our aims to give the belugas in our care a more natural life, to advance knowledge though important research and education, and to support the protection of belugas in the wild.

Our Story

The SEA LIFE TRUST Beluga Whale Sanctuary is the world's first sanctuary of its kind, providing a more natural environment for beluga whales relocated from traditional human care facilities. You can see the latest news about the sanctuary here.

Caring for our first resident whales; Little Grey and Little White, costs our charity £37,400 / $45,000 a month, which includes their food, daily care and monitoring from the dedicated animal care team, maintenance and essential health checks from specialist veterinarians.

Our commitment to the quality of their care is ongoing for the rest of their lives. 

Your donation could help fund, for example:

  • £20 / $25  supports our dedicated animal care team who look after our amazing resident whales
  • £50 / $62 feeds Little White or Little Grey for a day, they need to eat 23kgs of fish daily to keep them healthy!
  • £130 / $160 contributes to day visit from a specialist vet, providing essential health checks


Any donation you are able to give is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support.