Join the 300 Campaign
There are over 300 beluga whales currently living in human care around the world – a number of them in unsuitable conditions with little choice over how they spend their days and forced to perform for frivolous entertainment.
We believe they should have the chance for a different future just like Little White and Little Grey.
Help us show that this vision can become reality - add your voice to ours and sign the pledge calling for sanctuaries to be considered as an alternative and for these belugas to be given the chance of a brighter future.
At the SEA LIFE Trust, we are dedicated to managing the world’s first beluga whale sanctuary and caring for Little White and Little Grey for the rest of their lives.
We are also committed to driving awareness of sea sanctuaries being an alternative way of caring for those belugas whales currently living in unsuitable facilities across the world.
Will you join us?
I pledge to ...
- Help support and drive awareness of sea sanctuaries being an alternative way of caring for those belugas whales currently living in unsuitable facilities across the world.
- Help share and support news around the world’s first beluga whale sanctuary